Website in a Jiffy
Professional websites, created with care and a dash of speed, by Christine.
Do you wish you had a beautiful, professionally created website to showcase your business?
A website adds credibility and professionalism to your new or small business. It puts you on the map and garners new leads via search engines. With a website you can consolidate all of your information in one place and highlight your services or products.
Right now, you are probably worried that your business will never grow if you continue to play it small.
You have probably tried to grow your business with a Facebook page only.
You may have tried to DIY a website and been left feeling overwhelmed and defeated, and possibly created a mess that you are embarrassed to associate with your business.
Perhaps you have even tried hiring your neighbours, uncles, best friend, who agreed you could pay next to nothing for it but it’s been months and you still don’t have a website.
You’re ready to up your game and get your business out there.
You’re looking to give your business a boost of credibility.
You’re looking for the personal experience and are not interested in working with a big name web development company where you will be just another number.
You need this website sooner, rather than later.
I know how daunting moving your business to the next level can feel.
I am a self taught website designer and entrepreneur. Everything I know, I have learned through hours of trial and error with only one thought in mind – there must be a better way…
This is why I created Websites in a Jiffy: Professional websites, created with care and a dash of speed.
A super streamlined website creation process that is both affordable and accessible for the small business owner or work-at-home mom.
What’s included
What’s not included
(I will give you lots of advice on all of the below in my on-boarding email, plus let you know when I need it by)
a sparkly new, professionally designed and personally customised 3 page website (e.g. a home / landing page, an about page and a contact page)
And have the infrusctucture in place to add on, whether it be more pages, an e-commerce shop, or a membership site.
Wordpress coupled with premium theme Divi and their ease of use and security
Mobile responsiveness surety
Search Engine Optimization
– your domain name and hosting package
– branding including your business logo (if you do not already have a logo, contact me to get a quote to create one for you)
– The actual website copy
– Images and / or brand photographs
Click ‘Buy Now’ Below
Choose your price, click the buy now button below it and you will be taken through to PayPal, choose your desired payment currency and pay. You will receive payment confirmation directely from PayPal and so will I. If you use a different email to your PayPal email, put it in the payment notes.
OnBoarding Email
Within 24 hours you will receie an onboarding email from myself that includes a full list of requirements for the project. This list includes all website content and images to be used. You will also receive a link to book your 3 day design project into my work calendar.
All The Pieces Come Together
You will respond to my email with all of the element needed for design, these include;
The Magic Happens
Your sparkly new website is created in 3 days, sent for your review, finalised and set to live!
The normal price for this package is R5500, but, for the next 3 months only, I am offering this service at a reduced rate. Also, in an effort to make my services as accessible and inclusive as possible, I am using a sliding scale pricing model.
The sliding scale represents the idea that financial resources, including income, are not and should not be the only determining factor in whether or not someone can access services/care/etc.
Read more about the Sliding Scale as a tool for economic justice over at Worts + Cunning apothecary here.
Option 1
- The true price. This is already a heavily discounted service, so unless you identify as struggling financially, this should be the option you choose.
Option 2
- Discounted a bit, for those that soemtimes struggle to pay bills but are mostly coping
Option 3
- Heavily discounted for those who are stuggling to make ends meet.
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Let’s Work Together
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.